Our Guide To Learning C Programming From Scratch
Transform your career with our industry-focused C programming course
Start learning to program with Code IT's C Programming Course, which is ideal for novices and future developers.
Learn the basics of programming, including variables, data types, loops, functions, and arrays, while gaining practical coding experience.
This content looks too robotic
You’ll also explore pointers and memory management, key skills for writing efficient programs. Through hands-on projects, you’ll develop problem-solving skills and a strong foundation in programming.
Whether you’re aiming to start a tech career, improve your coding skills, or move on to advanced programming languages, this course is your first step. With guidance from our experienced mentors, you’ll confidently master C programming and be ready to take on real-world challenges. Join us and kickstart your journey into coding today!
What you will learn
Materials included
Course Syllabus
Day 1: Setting Up the Environment
- Installing VSCode and setting up C extension and compiler (GCC/Clang).
- Configuring VSCode to compile and run C programs.
Day 2: Introduction to C Programming
- Overview of C programming.
- Structure of a C program.
- Basic Input/Output (printf, scanf).
Day 3: Data Types, Variables, and Constants
- Data types (int, float, char, etc.)
- Declaring and initializing variables
- Constants (const and #define).
Day 4: Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators.
- Typecasting.
- Operator precedence and associativity.
Day 5: Control Statements
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch).
- Loops (for, while, do-while).
- Break and continue.
Day 6: Functions
- Function declaration, definition, and calling.
- Return types and parameters.
- Scope and lifetime of variables.
Day 7: Arrays and Strings
- One-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays.
- Strings and basic string operations (strlen, strcpy, etc.).
Day 8: Pointers
- Introduction to pointers.
- Pointer arithmetic.
- Pointers and arrays.
Day 9: Structures and Unions
- Defining and using structures.
- Nested structures.
- Introduction to unions.
Day 10: Dynamic Memory Allocation
- malloc, calloc, realloc, and free.
- Memory management and avoiding memory leaks
Day 11: Recursion
- Basic concept of recursion.
- Writing recursive functions.
- Understanding base cases and recursive calls.
Day 12: File Handling Basics
- Opening and closing files.
- Reading from and writing to files.
- File modes (r, w, a, etc.).
Day 13: Error Handling and Debugging
- Common C runtime errors.
- Using debugging tools in VSCode (breakpoints, debugging console).
- Introduction to error handling techniques.
Day 14: Mini Project
- Design and implement a mini-project such as a "Student Record Management System.
- Incorporate file handling, error handling, and concepts learned.